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Problems of building a suburban sewage system for cottages in Ukraine

The purpose of this analytical article is to inform readers about the importance, benefits and challenges of building an autonomous sewage system for cottages using modern technologies. Based on the information about the Eco Ring system, we will consider the efficiency and environmental friendliness of autonomous sewage systems.
20 января 2025 г.

Keywords: sewage system construction, cottage sewage system, Eco Ring system.

Main criteria and prerequisites:

1. The importance of autonomous sewage systems. Today it is impossible to feel comfortable without plumbing in the house. For country houses without a centralized sewage system, it is necessary to equip autonomous sewage treatment systems. They provide effective management of domestic wastewater, which is critical for comfort and sanitary living conditions.

2. Efficiency and environmental friendliness Thanks to advanced technologies, modern autonomous systems such as the Eco Ring provide a high level of wastewater treatment. This minimizes the negative impact on the environment and ensures the conservation of natural resources. The use of biofiltration in the Eco Ring system allows for the efficient decomposition of organic matter.

3. Technological features The principle of operation of the Eco Ring system is based on a combination of preliminary wastewater treatment in a septic tank with intensive post-treatment in a biological reactor. The plastic loading used in the biofilter provides optimal conditions for the development of bacteria that decompose organic matter and self-cleaning from biofilm residues.

4. Benefits for users Autonomous sewage systems, such as Eco Ring, provide independence from centralized infrastructure, reduced maintenance costs and energy consumption. Owners of country houses can be sure of the reliability and efficiency of such systems.

5. Challenges and solutions The main challenges include the high cost of installation and the need for regular maintenance. Effective monitoring of processes and equipment functions is critical to ensure the smooth operation of the system. The intelligent EcoProcessor control unit provides visual control, protection of pumping equipment and timely notification of the need for maintenance.

6. Practical tips For the implementation and use of autonomous sewage systems, it is important to consider the following aspects:

  • Selecting the system according to the size of the house and the needs of the users.
  • Regular maintenance to ensure smooth operation.
  • Compliance with the operating rules and manufacturer's recommendations.

7. Comparison with other systems Autonomous sewage systems have both advantages and disadvantages compared to other methods of wastewater treatment, such as septic tanks or centralized systems. It is important to consider individual needs and conditions to choose the best option.

Wastewater storage facilities are not sewage treatment plants. These are sealed tanks from which wastewater is transported to drainage stations as it accumulates. Wastewater is called liquid municipal waste. Storage is expensive but radical in terms of solving the problem of pollution. Their owner does not pollute his site and the groundwater beneath it. He builds a tank of at least 8 cubic meters, like a huge pot, signs a contract for the removal of the contents, and that's it - all he has to do is pay money. For a cottage for 3-5 permanent residents, an eight-cubic meter storage tank will have to be emptied (call a sewage truck) about 3-4 times a month [1]. 

Any cottage needs a wastewater treatment plant capable of treating domestic wastewater from an autonomous sewage system. Thanks to advanced technologies, the problem of wastewater treatment can be solved at the highest level. Modern wastewater treatment plants, and even the principle of operation of a septic tank, fully protect the environment by treating tons of contaminated water every day. On average, kitchen use accounts for 15-20% of household wastewater, bath and shower use - 20-25%, toilet flushing - up to 35%, and laundry - up to 20% [2]. 

Studying the issue of building a cottage sewage system, I got acquainted with the works of Igor Vykhrystiuk on solving this issue. In particular, in the article “Autonomous sewage systems for country houses”, he proposed the use of the Eco Ring system, which is based on biofiltration technology. The essence of the technology is to combine pre-treatment of wastewater in a septic tank with subsequent post-treatment in a biological reactor with a patented plastic loading “Eco Ring”.  According to this technology, there are the following stages of treatment:

- Phase 1 - wastewater enters the septic tank, where it is thoroughly mechanically treated to remove solid fractions, insoluble substances and fats.

- Phase 2 - the circulation pump lifts the pre-treated water into the bioreactor, where it is repeatedly irrigated over the plastic load - Eco Ring washers

- Phase 3 - a biofilm grows on the surface of the washers - a complex of microorganisms that destroy organic pollution in wastewater

- Phase 4 - purified water does not pose a threat to the environment

The quality composition of the material and its structural elements is also important to ensure long-term operation. The main way to increase the corrosion resistance and durability of concrete for wastewater systems is to increase their density and reduce water permeability. Ways to increase the durability of concrete can be different. one of the effective ways is the use of special mineral chemical additives at the stage of preparation of concrete mixtures [3].

By analyzing the market prices for septic tanks and deep treatment biological plants in Kyiv and Kyiv region, the main cost of purchasing such waste treatment plants was determined (Table 1).

Table 1 - Cost of equipment for treatment plants in Kyiv and Kyiv region.

Having analyzed the cost of similar treatment plants, I came to the conclusion that the cost of similar equipment of Spets Bud Engineering LLC, headed by Igor Vykhrystiuk, is 30% lower than the competition, while installation services are 20% lower than the market. As for maintenance costs, electricity costs for equipment maintenance are 8 times lower than those of competitors, which is achieved thanks to patented electrical equipment.  Igor Vykhrystiuk also uses computer diagnostics that do not require human intervention, and all information is reported directly to the service company.


The construction of an autonomous sewage system for country cottages is an important aspect of ensuring a comfortable and environmentally friendly living. The end consumer of the product is extremely aware of the prospects for the development of the construction industry in Ukraine as a whole, having foreseen all the risks in the maintenance of the suburban sewage system of their private house.  Analytical forecasting is impossible without social and economic forecasting. Making this forecasting as effective as possible is a creative task for domestic builders. To summarize, autonomous systems such as Eco Ring offer efficient and reliable solutions for wastewater management, ensuring minimal environmental impact. Despite some challenges, the right choice and operation of such systems can ensure long-term and uninterrupted operation and preserve nature and the environment.



1. Vykhrystiuk Igor, “Autonomous sewage systems for country houses”, First Business, August 10, 2020,

2. Kovalchuk V.A., “Wastewater Treatment”, 2002, p. 5.

3.Vykhrystiuk Igor, Open Method of Restoration of the Sewage Collector Using Corrosion Resistant Self-Sealing Concrete, International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews, Vol 5, no 12, pp 5514-5519 December 2024, 


Author: Kovalchuk Oleksandr

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Vice-Rector for Research and Innovative Development of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture

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