Банк | Покупка | Продажа | НБУ |
USD | 39.800 | 40.300 | 41.527 |
EUR | 40.000 | 41.000 | 45.001 |
USD | 41.330 | 41.831 | 41.527 |
EUR | 44.700 | 45.430 | 45.001 |
- Igor, tell us about your research in wastewater treatment. Why is this issue so important?
- Wastewater treatment is not just a technological process, but an issue of environmental safety. I conduct expert research at chemical plants, shopping malls and municipal wastewater treatment plants, assessing the effectiveness of existing treatment methods. The main goal is to develop recommendations for improving technologies and reducing the negative impact on the environment. Modern cleaning methods should contribute to the preservation of the environment, and this is where I focus my work.
- You are also an active member of the Confederation of Builders of Ukraine. What role does this organization play in the development of the construction industry?
- The Confederation of Builders of Ukraine is the largest association of professionals that shapes the development of the construction industry in Ukraine. For me, participation in this association is very important, as the construction solutions I create can be communicated to a wider range of specialists in my profession and, as a result, will affect the construction industry as a whole. The Confederation of Builders of Ukraine directly includes leading developers, engineers, architects and experts working on the modernization of the industry. The main mission of the Confederation is to promote the implementation of modern standards, improve the regulatory framework, develop green construction and ensure the quality of work at all stages of construction. It is here that key initiatives are created that determine the development of the industry for years to come. The construction industry is one of the key sectors in the country's economy, so it is important to combine such efforts.
- You are a judge in the Ukrainian Special Building Awards IBUILD competition. How are the projects evaluated?
- Ukrainian Special Building Awards IBUILD is one of the most prestigious construction awards in Ukraine. The Confederation of Builders of Ukraine invites me as a jury to evaluate companies and business solutions in the construction industry, which allows us to highlight the best initiatives and support the development of innovations in the sector. As a judge, I evaluate the projects submitted by the companies according to various criteria: innovation, environmental friendliness, quality of execution, energy efficiency and impact on the development of the industry. It is important not only to recognize market leaders but also to support new initiatives and companies that offer unique solutions. The competition is a great opportunity for construction professionals to showcase their best designs and gain national recognition.
- You are engaged in research and teaching. Could you tell us more about your work in this area and why it is important to you?
- Education is the key to the development of the industry. The most interesting thing is working with young professionals and university students. I am often invited to the country's construction educational institutions to speak in the classroom and tell them about the industry I work in, about my inventions, interesting and non-standard solutions that I had to make during the implementation of construction projects. The experience of working with students is irreplaceable, as they are very interested in learning new information and how the construction industry works in real life. I share my practical experience and this is important for the industry, because future specialists should not only have theoretical knowledge but also understand how technologies work in real life. Young people are very interested in new approaches to construction, and I am happy to help them gain this knowledge. In addition to teaching, I am actively involved in research related to construction, wastewater treatment and environmental safety. I publish scientific articles, participate in international conferences, and work on developing new technologies that can improve the efficiency and safety of construction processes.
- You are actively involved in charity work. What projects have you managed to implement?
- I believe that success is not only about achievements in business, but also about helping others. That is why I finance projects aimed at supporting youth and children. On my initiative, children's sports grounds, mini-stadiums and football fields have been installed in many Ukrainian cities and towns. These projects are implemented by my company, Spec Bud Engineering, which provides high-quality design, installation and arrangement of sports facilities in accordance with modern safety and comfort standards. Thanks to the professional approach of the team of specialists, these facilities serve as a reliable place for sports and physical development of children and youth. This allows children to play sports and lead an active lifestyle. It is important to me that children have the opportunity to train in high-quality conditions, and I am committed to expanding the scope of this initiative in the future.
- What is your main motivating factor in your work?
- My main aspiration is to make the world around me a better place. Construction, environment, education - all these areas are interconnected. I am convinced that modern business should not only be profitable but also socially responsible. By investing in technology development, youth support, and environmental protection, we are shaping the future we want to live in. This is my main motivation.
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