The NOVUS warehouse complex has successfully passed certification according to the British method of assessing the environmental performance of buildings.

According to Kostyantyn Parshin, head of the operational logistics department of NOVUS, "the most modern Ruukki sandwich panels in Ukraine were used for the construction of the walls, thanks to which the temperature inside the main room does not fall below the specified 15 degrees in winter, and does not rise above 20 degrees in summer."

NOVUS Logistics Center with an area of more than 50,000 m2 and a height of 15 m is designed for 5,200 pallet spaces and has 18 temperature zones - from -30℃ to +24℃. Using Ruukki Energy sandwich panels ensured building tightness up to q50 = 0.01 m3/h∙m2 and thermal resistance of structures up to R = 7.47 (m2∙K)/W, which are the best figures for cold storages.
Specialists of the Rauta company, which is the exclusive importer of Ruukki sandwich panels in Ukraine, especially for the logistics terminal developed a project of envelope structures with unique joints that ensure maximum airtightness and significant savings in operating the facility.

Source: Rauta
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