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Opening of Ruukki Training Center: a way to partnership development

The Ukrainian division of Ruukki has announced the opening of its own training center for cooperation with partners, which should become the key to successful cooperation and competence growth.

3917 20.03.2024 в 07:47

At the beginning of 2024, is pleased to announce the opening of its own training center, which has become a new stage in partner development and professional development. This center opens up many opportunities for Ruukki partners to gain practical and theoretical knowledge necessary for successful cooperation and achievement of common goals.

Practice and theory: integral components of successful partnership and development

The Ruukki Training Center enables partners to master not only the theoretical aspects of work, but also to gain valuable practical experience that can be applied in real life. It creates the basis for the development of partnerships based on the knowledge and skills gained during the training. Training programs help partners gain practical experience and learn the ins and outs of installing Ruukki products.

All trainings are maximally accessible and suitable for different levels of training, so that every partner can find the necessary information and skills.

The first training

On March 14, the first training session for partners was held, where they had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and gain practical experience in installing the Siba Modern concealed drainage system.

Stay tuned.

Source: Ruukki
Information is published on advertising rights

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